Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ay Nik's 15 - 25th September 2010

Dear Members,

The Ay Nik 15's tournament is this Saturday 25th, September 2010. Those of you wishing to attend, please note that the competition start at 1:30 pm. If you would like to come along and support this competition, we shall be meeting at the Keg and Barrel at 8:30 am on Saturday and go by Coach, (cost to be confirmed)please let me know by Wednesday 6 pm. However you can use your own transport.

Players: if you are attending you need to be at the Keg and Barrel by 8:30 am as registration for the competition is at 11:00 am. Please confirm either to Nick, AJ, Barry or me as soon as possible no later than Wednesday at 6 pm.


Sue Rolfe
Secretary - Paphos Tigers Rugby Football Club
PTRFC are sponsored by M1 Lux, Horizon Group & Mercato del Golfo.
