Did you know your membership expired on 31st May 2009.
Do you know your that this year's membership will not expire until 31st August 2010
Yes thats right for this year only you get 15 months membership for the cost of 12 months
Its a credit Crunch Special Membership (Buy 12months get 3 months extra free)
And still great value at only 25 euros per person.
Download the membership form from our website
www.paphostigersrfc.com and either post to the PO Box or hand in to the Rugby Arms or Keg & Barrel asap please.
And for those of you with an even keener eye for savings in the long run how about joining our brand new
"Lifetime Membership"...... yes this brand new offer of a Lifetime of Tigers for only......
250 Euros.
What great value for you and a great fund raiser for the club.
Go on, dig deep and be a real patriot and join the best Rugby Team on the Island, the Paphos Tigers.
Great value, Great rugby , Great friends and Great fun.
Your Club Needs You .....Join now
Nigel Jarvis